Our Favorite Exercises for Feet

I was once given the advice to take good care of the things that connect us to the floor. As a physical therapist, this makes me think of feet. Feet are quite literally our connection to the ground as well as our base of support for many of the activities we do every single day. In addition to appropriate footwear, we can do exercises to help our feet adapt to the surface we stand on and propel ourselves forward.  

Having both mobility and strength in our feet is critical for treating injuries in our lower extremities as well as injury prevention by having better balance and stabilit

Read on to learn our favorite exercises to strengthen the feet.

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How to Perfect Your Hip Hinge

Golfers reach.  Waiters bow.  Deadlift.  Warrior 3.  Airplane.  Forward fold.  Rock backs.

What do all of these activities have in common? They require isolated movement of your hip joint, also known as a hip hinge.  Bending from the hips helps you to maintain a neutral position of the spine which is a critical movement for function.  As humans, we often need to get close to the floor – for gardening, to pick up laundry, to lift grocery bags, to pick up your children (you get the picture).  If your hip doesn’t hinge well in its socket or your hamstrings limit this movement, the next set of joints that have to get you lower are in your lower back.  While bending the spine isn’t a dangerous or bad thing, we need stability in the spine when lifting or leaning. 

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All About The Serratus Anterior

The serratus anterior muscle is a great one to focus on for shoulder strength and health.  It’s also known as the boxer’s muscle. Not only does it keep your shoulder blade stable on your rib cage, it also helps with shoulder protraction and upward rotation.  These actions maintain space in your shoulder joint when you reach or raise your arm. After all, nobody likes the pain of a pinching shoulder.

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Practice Mindfulness With Exercise

Mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises. Many of these ideas have been hot topics to help with mental health. Interestingly, many of the interventions we use as physical therapists involve practicing mindfulness with exercise and movement. For example, learning to be conscious of how you are moving and breathing, or working to change your posture. 

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Rest and Recovery

Recovery can seem like a bad word. Like you’ve done something terrible to yourself that you must atone for.  In terms of exercise, recovery is absolutely necessary in order to progress.  Recovery is the yin to exercise’s yang.  Rest is a crucial part of muscle building and to make changes in soft tissue quality.  This is not to say “rest” is laying on your couch for a year, but we do encourage you to plan rest and recovery into your fitness routine. 

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Avoid Overtraining Injuries

Here in Boise, outdoor exercise can be limited in the summer by high heat and poor air quality.  And in winter, the darkness, mud and cold can slow us down. When the weather is finally nice out, it can be tempting to increase your exercise to “make up” for lost time.  However, this can lead to overuse. We want you to avoid overtraining injuries in the first place. Read on for some tips to avoid injury, and if you’ve already injured yourself, get into physical therapy so you can get back on track.

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Caught Off Balance? Try These Exercises

Whether you have a balance problem with everyday activities or want to feel more secure fly fishing, working on your balance has many benefits. Most of us are aware that we need to strengthen and stretch, but tend to leave out balance exercises as part of our fitness routine. But balancing isn’t just for yogis!

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How to Optimize Your Workstation at Home

As many of us return to “a new normal,” that may or may not include returning to your desk at the office. Many of our patients have been working from home and expect to continue. Your home set-up may not be as ergonomic or comfortable as at the office. We’re here with advice and suggestions to help you optimize your home workstation.

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The Hip: Labral Tears

Let’s talk about labral tears. Of the hip variety. Hip pain can come in many forms with many causes. This is because the hip joint has a huge range of motion with several layers of muscles performing a variety of actions. It can get pretty complex figuring out how or where your pain started. We’ll […]

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Benefits of Hiking the Boise Foothills

If you’ve spent any time around me or the other ladies at Thrive, you’ve probably discussed a hiking trail or two with us.  In our opinion, hiking and any exercise you do outdoors is superior to exercising indoors. But it isn’t just our opinion, research supports exercising outside to benefit health and well-being. Going on a walk or hike in our gorgeous local Boise foothills provides many benefits. Not only is it a great way to spend time with your loved ones and decompress, it also improves overall wellness.

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